3400 W. 6th Street. #200. Los Angeles, CA 90020

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3400 W. 6th Street. #200

Los Angeles, CA 90020

10:00 - 16:00

Monday to Thursday

School of Christian Business Administration

“But as for you, continue in what you have learned
and have become convinced of”

Master of  Business Administration
(36 Semester Credits)

The Master of  Business Administration (MBA) program provides a business management
education that equips students for leadership positions in the global marketplace or for advancement in their current careers. This program integrates theories with real-world applications, fostering practical business expertise. Students can advance their knowledge,
analytical ability, and skills in areas such as business management, entrepreneurship, and real estate.

Graduates of Bachelor of Religious Studies are able to serve the Christian Community as Christian educators, missionary workers, youth ministers, Christian counselors, or Sunday school coordinators. 

Concentration Choice 

    • Concentration in Global Business Administration
    • Concentration in Real Estate


The Master of Business Administration program is not designed to prepare students for any

Occupation and Job Titles

Concentration: Global Business Administration
Marketing Managers (11-2021), Financial Analyst (13-2015.00); General and Operations Managers (11-1021.00); Sales Managers (11.2022.00); Administrative Services Managers (11-3012.00) [2018]; Cost Estimators (13-1051.00); Management Analysts (13-1111.00), Accountants (113-2011.01); Auditors (13-2011.02); Budget Analysts (13-2031.00); Credit Analysts (13-2041.00); Financial Examiners (132061.00); Tax Examiners and Collectors and Revenue Agents (13-2081.00 [from the United States Department of Labor’s Standard Occupational Classification Codes: Year 2018]

Concentration: Real Estate

Appraisers of Personal and Business Property (13-2022), Appraisers and Assessors of Real Estate (13-2023), Financial and Investment Analysts (13-2051) [from the United States Department of Labor’s Standard Occupational Classification Codes: Year 2018]

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:
Concentration: Global Business Administration

  1. To gather, analyze, evaluate and synthesize relevant data and information in order to solve business problems and arrive at appropriate decisions.
  2. To demonstrate leadership and team skills for implementing organizational activities and managing change.
  3. To demonstrate an advanced knowledge and application of the principles and tools of a variety of business areas, including accounting, finance, marketing, and management.
  4. To evaluate business opportunities and project effective strategies in response to problems and threats.
  5. To assess and apply cultural commonalities and differences in global contexts for the maximization of business output.
  6. To articulate and apply the current U.S. and global legal environment for business. 

Concentration: Real Estate

  1. To gather, analyze, evaluate and synthesize relevant data and information in order to solve business problems and arrive at appropriate decisions.
  2. To demonstrate leadership and team skills for implementing organizational activities and managing change.
  3. To demonstrate an advanced knowledge and application of the principles and tools of a variety of business areas, including accounting, finance, marketing, and management.
  4. To demonstrate an advanced working knowledge and analysis of national/global real estate markets. 
  5. To understand and apply advanced practical techniques for proactive approach to real estate projects.  
  6. To explain and effectively respond to new trends and tendencies in global real estate markets.

Components of the Program and Time Limit for Completion: 

The program is a 36 semester unit program. The course of study usually spans a period of two years. Students must complete their study within five years, beginning on the date of their first registration for M.B.A courses.

The method of Instruction

Emmanuel University provides the Master of Christain Business Administration program by the three types of course delivery only on-line now, for future face-to-face, and hybrid formats.

  1. Online Learning format: All instruction is provided via the Internet and no face-to-face instruction is required. This format is a virtual classroom where course instruction, course content, and external resources such as academic links are provided to learners who are physically separated from the instructor. Instructions are provided electronically and asynchronously. Students in online courses watch and listen to lectures and complete assignments sent to them electronically. Students can always attend by participating in discussion boards or chat sessions, and turning in their work on time.
  2. Traditional (Face-to-Face) format: This delivery method allows learners and faculty to meet in person or as a group for regularly scheduled class sessions on campus. Face-to-face format can bring about synchronous student-instructor and student-student interaction.
  3. Hybrid format: The hybrid program involves both face-to-face and distance delivery formats. The hybrid format offers advantages both from traditional classes and from online learning; namely, person to person instruction and convenient electronic learning environment.


Concentration: Global Business Administration

CategoryCoursesSemester Units
Common CoreMBA 501 Business Economics3
Common CoreMBA 502 Essentials in Accounting and
Common CoreMBA 503 Strategic Management3
Common CoreMBA 504 Strategic Marketing3
Common CoreMBA 507 Business Writing and
Common CoreMBA 508 Business Law and Ethics3
RequiredMBA 506 Business Statistics & Analysis3
RequiredMBA 510 Leadership and Organizational Behavior3
RequiredMBA 511 Consumer Behavior and Marketing3
Elective 1Choose one of the following courses:
MBA 505 Small Business Operation
MBE 502 New Venture Management
Elective 2Choose one of the following courses:
MBE 504 Creativity & Innovation in Business
MBE 506 International Entrepreneurship
CapstoneMBC 601 Comprehensive Exam3
Total Units36

Concentration: Real Estate

CategoryCoursesSemester Units
Common CoreMBA 501 Business Economics3
Common CoreMBA 502 Essentials in Accounting and
Common CoreMBA 503 Strategic Management3
Common CoreMBA 504 Strategic Marketing3
Common CoreMBA 507 Business Writing and
Common CoreMBA 508 Business Law and Ethics3
RequiredMBR 503 Real Estate Market Analysis and Appraisal3
RequiredMBR 502 Real Estate Capital Markets and Finance3
RequiredMBR 501 Real Estate Investment3
Elective 1Choose one of the following courses:
MBR 504 Property Management
MBA 511 Consumer Behavior and Marketing
Elective 2Choose one of the following courses:
MBR 505 Legal Aspects of Real Estate
MBR 506 Real Estate Development
CapstoneMBC 601 Comprehensive Exam3
Total Units36

Course Descriptions

 MBA 501 Business Economics

This course addresses how to increase a business’s profitability by applying economic analysis to a wide array of business problems.

MBA 502 Essentials in Accounting and Finance

This course addresses detailed examination of standard financial accounting, including major financial statements, double-entry accounting method, accrual and cash accounting, and specific analysis of assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity accounts.

MBA 503 Strategic Management

This course provides knowledge of business strategy decision to support long-term effectiveness of business organization. Business strategy s relate to decision and action that affect the performance and viability of business organization. This course is focused on information, analysis, organizational processes, and business valuation skills managers should use to design strategy, position their business, determine the boundaries of business organization.

MBA 504 Strategic Marketing

This course covers the major elements of the marketing process including domestic and foreign market assessment, strategic planning, and development of marketing mix. Topics include consumer/business buying behavior, market research, brand management, product development, pricing strategies, and the design of marketing channels (promotion and distribution). 

MBA 505 Small Business Operation

The course incorporates current theory and practice relating to starting and managing small businesses. It includes a comprehensive coverage of critical small business issues, numerous real world examples to help students understand how to apply the business management concepts in theory.

MBA 506 Business Statistics & Analysis

This course emphasizes analyzing data, interpreting the output and utilizing skills to effectively apply statistical techniques to the design and evaluation of research regarding business practice.  Included are the knowledge and skills to select statistical procedures appropriate to a research task and design, and the performance of accurate calculations in applying them.  

MBA 510 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Individual, group and inter-group behavior within organizations in the context of technological change, workforce diversity, ethical challenges, and globalization.

MBA 511 Consumer Behavior and Marketing

This course examines the theories of methods used to identify profitable customers, understand their needs and wants, and how to build a bond with them by developing customer-centric products and services directed toward providing customer value. A special emphasis will be put on understanding the customer life cycle, market segmentation, customer acquisition, basket analysis, cross-selling, customer retention and loyalty. 

MBE 502 New Venture Management

This course examines the problems and issues confronting entrepreneurs beyond the start-up of a new venture. Well-managed growth can lead to rapid capital appreciation and a company valuation, which will return significant rewards in the marketplace. Students will be prepared to strategically or tactically to manage and lead the venture from the start up to a growing business.

MBE 504 Creativity & Innovation in Business

This course provides students with an understanding of how creativity and innovation can be facilitated and managed in a work setting. Students will learn about theoretical conceptualizations of creativity and innovation as well as practical applications involved in fostering creativity and innovation in the workplace. 

MBE 506 International Entrepreneurship

This explores the many dimensions and challenges of global venture creation and growth. The course offers a framework for understanding the entrepreneurial process in global contexts and exposes students to key issues and problems specific to international ventures. 

MBR 501 Real Estate Investment

This course addresses the major aspects of real estate investment from the perspective of corporate, private, and public owners; investors; and users. The course will expose students to current “real world” real estate investment situations and people who shape them. Topics covered will span the real estate equity and debt markets, both public and private. The course focuses on commercial real estate, but will address the housing markets as well.

MBR 502 Real Estate Capital Markets and Finance

This course studies fundamental concepts, principles and analytical techniques of real estate capital markets and finance. The course addresses three main parts: 1) mortgage analysis; 2) equity and hybrid financing; 3) secondary mortgage markets.

MBR 503 Real Estate Market Analysis and Appraisal

Techniques of real estate valuation. Market analysis, legal and political analysis, and highest and best use analysis; in-depth exposure to the three approaches to valuation; market comparison, income, and cost; the role of valuation in real estate investment; government regulation of appraisers. Students will learn the concepts, tools, and techniques for evaluating individual real estate assets, based on the application of economic theory and principles of urban economics, for the purpose of real estate valuation.

MBR 504 Property Management

This course examines the fundamentals of professional property management of investment properties: residential, commercial and industrial. Focuses on organization, staffing, marketing, accounting maintenance, landlord/tenant law and management procedures.

MBR 505 Legal Aspects of Real Estate

This course provides an overview of real estate law, including the acquisition of real property and the rights of ownership and tenancy. Topics covered in the course include landlord and tenant relationships (residential and commercial), property ownership and rights, easements, contract requirements, the role of brokers, adverse possession and new and emerging topics, including sustainability and environmental issues. 

MBC 601 Comprehensive Exam

Guidance to assist graduate students in the preparation of the topics in readiness for the exam questions. The examination itself will be of 3 hour duration and consist of writing selected questions under proctored supervision, according to rigorous guidelines.